- Mar 31, 2019Amazing Love
- Apr 8, 2018Breaking Down the Wall of Shame
Apr 8, 2018Breaking Down the Wall of ShameBy: Charles WilliamsSeries: NoneThe Wall of Shame can be broken down in our lives as we fully accept the grace of God, allow our thinking to be renewed by the Word of God, and allow ourselves to be immersed in the love of God.
- Apr 1, 2018A Living Hope
Apr 1, 2018A Living HopeBy: Charles WilliamsSeries: NoneSermon text: 1 Peter 1:3. In the resurrection of Jesus, God embedded in the earth an anchor of hope sturdy enough to withstand any storm. This hope is the anchor that declares these three things: 1) God can overcome my past; 2) God can be with in the present... each and every day; 3) God has a future for me... to be with Him forever.
- Mar 25, 2018Fan Or Follower?
Mar 25, 2018Fan Or Follower?By: Charles WilliamsSeries: NoneMark 11:1-11The crowds lined the roadway on the first Palm Sunday and cheered Jesus as he entered Jerusalem for the last time. But only a few days later, many of those same people would shout, "Crucify him!" This message explores the difference between being a fan, someone caught up in the hype of the moment, and a true follower of Jesus.
- Mar 18, 2018Stand
Mar 18, 2018StandBy: Charles WilliamsSeries: Sit, Walk StandThe final installment in the "Sit, Walk, Stand" series based upon the iconic book by Watchman Nee, this sermon explores Paul's command to "stand" against the powers of evil in Ephesians chapter 6.
- Mar 12, 2018Walk
- Mar 4, 2018Sit
Mar 4, 2018SitBy: Charles WilliamsSeries: Sit, Walk StandBased upon the venerable and beloved book by Watchman Nee, "Sit, Walk, Stand," we use these three terms as a template for a brief study of the book of Ephesians, beginning with the first verb, "sit."
- Dec 17, 2017Let Us Adore Him
Dec 17, 2017Let Us Adore HimBy: Charles WilliamsSeries: Heaven On EarthSermon based on Matthew 2:1-12. Just as the Magi came to where the baby Jesus was and offered him worship and gave him gifts, we as well are to worship him and give him the gift of ourselves as expressed through serving others.
- Nov 26, 2017Lavish Grace
- Oct 15, 2017When Disappointment Comes (Joseph’s Story)