Sep 26, 2020
The Road to Renewal: Restoring the Foundations
In this last installment of four sermons in this series entitled, 'The Road to Renewal," we learn that in order to experience the restoration of the spiritual foundations of our lives, our homes, our churches and our communities, we need to 1) restore the centrality of the Word of God in our lives, 2) get real with ourselves, God and others, and, 3) make and keep commitments.
  • Sep 26, 2020The Road to Renewal: Restoring the Foundations
    Sep 26, 2020
    The Road to Renewal: Restoring the Foundations
    In this last installment of four sermons in this series entitled, 'The Road to Renewal," we learn that in order to experience the restoration of the spiritual foundations of our lives, our homes, our churches and our communities, we need to 1) restore the centrality of the Word of God in our lives, 2) get real with ourselves, God and others, and, 3) make and keep commitments.
  • Sep 20, 2020The Road To Renewal: Resisting the Opposition
    Sep 20, 2020
    The Road To Renewal: Resisting the Opposition
    When faced with opposition Nehemiah did three things; he prayed, he remembered the source of his vision, and he revised his plan.
  • Sep 13, 2020The Road to Renewal: Engaging the Task
    Sep 13, 2020
    The Road to Renewal: Engaging the Task
    In this second installment in the study of Nehemiah, "The Road to Renewal," we learn that although renewal is initiated by God, it is facilitated by our obedience. When we embrace the vision, we will be assigned a task. In other words, we’ve got work to do. It's time to rise up and build.
  • Sep 6, 2020The Road to Renewal: Embracing the Vision
    Sep 6, 2020
    The Road to Renewal: Embracing the Vision
    This is the first installment of a four-part series where we examine the life of Nehemiah. In this series we will discover what it means to embrace the vision, engage the process, resist the opposition, and restore the foundations. During this disorienting season of COVID-19, we want to begin to set the stage for renewal and restoration, and with God's help to envision a path forward.
  • May 24, 2020Bloom!
    May 24, 2020
    Series: None
    Jeremiah 29:4-14
  • May 17, 2020When the Going Gets Tough
    May 17, 2020
    When the Going Gets Tough
    Series: None
    Sermon Text: James 1:2-18. From Grace Chapel Zoom service, 5/17/2020
  • Mar 29, 2020Vantage Point
    Mar 29, 2020
    Vantage Point
    Series: None
    From our Zoom virtual service. Based on the raising of Lazarus from John 11. Our goal is to view all of the situations of life we face from a divine perspective. This sermon reminds us that God knows, cares and rules.
  • Mar 8, 2020Let Jesus Into Your Boat
    Mar 8, 2020
    Let Jesus Into Your Boat
    Series: None
    In revisiting a sermon previously preached, Pastor Charles points out how Jesus' walking on the water to his disciples in John's gospel is designed to teach his disciples, and us, the resources that are available to us if we turn to the risen Lord Jesus and allow him "into our boat."
  • Mar 1, 2020Taken, Blessed, Broken, Given
    Mar 1, 2020
    Taken, Blessed, Broken, Given
    Series: None
    There is a degree to which we readily assent to our embrace of God's love, or rather to the fact that we have been embraced by that love. However, in looking at a couple of passages of scripture, this message considers Jesus' taking and offering of bread as a template for gaining a deeper understanding of who we are in Christ, how God thinks about us, and how he desires to offer each and every one of us as bread for a hungry world. 
  • Feb 16, 2020The Power of Perseverance
    Feb 16, 2020
    The Power of Perseverance
    Series: None
    Hebrews 10:35-36: So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
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